Recipes on how to enlarge your penis with soda at home

Most guys are interested in their masculinity and size. Even though, according to official statistics, many guys have a normal penis size, most still want to enlarge their penis. Nowadays, you can even increase the size at home with baking soda, and that’s true. To do this, it is advisable to learn how to enlarge your penis with soap soda.

Normal size

Before you start enlarging your penis with baking soda, you need to make sure that it is really worth doing. After all, many men try to increase the membership, even when it is not needed. To do this, you need to know the average size.

Experts say that small penises can be considered genitals that do not exceed 10-11 cm at the time of arousal. Only then can you seriously consider enlarging your penis with baking soda. The average size contains members about 15-17 cm long.

It’s worth noting that sometimes guys, even with such significant genitals, seriously end up and at least try to increase them somehow.

Often the penis is small due to chronic diseases or congenital disorders. In this case, you don’t even need to enlarge your penis with baking soda as it doesn’t help. Therefore, before using any folk method, we recommend that you consult your doctor in advance. You can personally test and evaluate the condition of your reproductive system. If it turns out that the penis is small in size due to the pathology, it is likely that this problem will need to be eliminated surgically.

man with enlarged penis with soda

How does soda affect penis enlargement?

To find out if soda helps you enlarge your penis and how you can enlarge your penis with soda, learn about its properties. Not everyone knows that baking soda has many beneficial properties that have a beneficial effect on the human body. Some even believe that baking soda is only used during baking. However, this is not the case, and doctors have repeatedly stated that it has healing properties. Using soda:

  • improves blood circulation in the body,
  • get rid of skin burns,
  • stabilizes the acidity of the stomach,
  • speeds up metabolism,
  • get rid of excess weight.

Of all the properties listed, stabilizing blood circulation helps increase penis size. Indeed, a strong erection requires a sufficient amount of blood to flow into the genitals. At rest, blood pressure is minimal and increases significantly during arousal. If all the tissues of the penis can be well filled with blood, its size will definitely increase. Therefore, we can conclude that the erection and size of the penis depends on blood pressure and the work of the cardiovascular system. Soda helps to normalize the work of all systems for better blood flow.

How to enlarge your penis with baking soda

To enlarge your penis at home, you need to figure out the use of soda in advance.

How to enlarge your penis with a soda massage

This method is one of the most popular, as soda is often used during massage. Massage will only enlarge your penis if you know how to do it right. This procedure is performed in three successive stages.


First, you need to make the skin of your male organ more elastic and softer. This can be done with the help of special exercises aimed at warming the skin.

To do this, most men simply heat the water in a small vessel and drain their penis. Be sure to check the water temperature before performing this procedure as it should not be too hot. If appropriate, the penis should be kept in the fluid for up to 20 minutes.

There is another method of warming up - with a damp towel. Before the procedure, a small terry cloth should be soaked in boiled water. The penis is then wrapped in a damp cloth and held in for about 5-8 minutes. The towel is then moistened again and the procedure is repeated.

Some guys use plain rice to heat their genitals. Pour into the pan and heat a little before use. All the rice is then poured into a small cloth bag or regular sock. Then wrap a bag or socks with cereals around the penis and leave on for 5-10 minutes.

Heating can also be done with a heating pad. To warm your penis with a heating pad, you need to wrap it completely and keep it for about 15 minutes.

heating pad to warm the penis before augmenting with soda


After completing the preparation, you can continue the massage to increase the male body. To do this, we pour a little powder into his palm. Some people compare this process to using a standard scrub.

The massage technique is quite simple and is mastered by all people. During the procedure, the penis is held by hand in a small ring formed by the index and thumb. To maximize penis enlargement with baking soda, it is recommended to massage when the penis is completely relaxed.

During the massage, the ring of the fingers gradually moves from the base of the penis to the head. If you get an erection during an erection, you may want to stop for a few minutes. The procedure is then repeated.

In order to increase the thickness of the organ, massage should be performed with a completely different technique. To do this, make a tight ring at the bottom, using your left hand. He then makes a slight twisting motion with his right hand. The procedure is repeated 4-5 times, and each time the ring should move 3-4 cm forward.


When the penis enlargement is done with baking soda, you need to heal. To do this, it is recommended to just lie and do nothing for the next 30-40 minutes. If you start doing business right away, your organization will get under serious stress. This can lead to poor circulation.

How to enlarge your penis with baking soda

Baths are a fairly common way to enlarge the penis with baking soda. It is often used not only to increase male dignity but also to increase sexual desire.

The simplest recipe for making trays is to simply dilute boiled water with 2: 1 baking soda. The penis is then placed in the prepared solution for 20 minutes.

It is recommended to use such baths 2-3 hours before intercourse, as baking soda is not very durable. However, some men managed to lengthen their genitals by 1-2 cm using trays.

baking soda to increase baking soda

It is possible to lengthen the penis with baking soda

Another common method that affects penis length is the use of soda creams. The recipe for making them is quite simple. To do this, add 50 to 70 grams of sodium bicarbonate to a glass of hot water. If the concentration of the substance is too high, a little more water should be added to the soda solution. Some guys also add essential oil. Many people use cypress or cardamom oil for this.

A small piece of gauze should then be soaked in the solution, which is attached to the penis.

You need to use enough gauze to cover your entire penis.

Soda lotions are made daily for a month as the one-time procedure does not work.


Some men claim that the penis begins to grow after taking soda bicarbonate internally. This method must be combined with one of the above. This is the only way to get good results.

Soda is known to have positive properties that have a beneficial effect on the body. In fact, in some cases, the small size of the penis is due to diseases that many guys don’t even know about. By using soda regularly, you can cleanse your body of toxins that cause disease.

It is worth saying that increased soda concentrations in the body can be harmful. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a specialist before use.

Other ways to zoom

Sometimes enlarging your penis with soda will not work and you will need to look for other ways to prolong your masculinity. The most common methods are:

  • Balm star. At home it is very easy to extend the penis. To do this, apply a little medicine to your fingertips and rub thoroughly between the third and second vertebrae. There are points in this area that affect penis size and erection.
  • Herbal tea. These herbal drinks are made from plants that have a beneficial effect on the strength of the male. These include hawthorn and ginseng. To achieve good results, you should drink herbal tea regularly.


There are quite a few men who are unhappy with their penis. Many people are interested in enlarging their penis with soda. Before doing so, it is recommended that you read the video that details how to use baking soda to enlarge your penis.