How to enlarge the penis of a teenager: increase the size of the penis

A 10-15 year old boy is already male, although not fully mature. But during this period, adolescents start thinking about the size of their penis, worrying that everything is okay and that the size of their penis is normal.

Parents and adolescents need to understand the physiological development of the boys, know how long the penis should be at the age of 15-17, so that deviations from the norm can be identified in time and the necessary action can be taken. After all, penis size is an important component of any man’s intimate life.

In light of this, need to find out how the penis grows during puberty to find out what to do if there are deviations from normal indicators? Also, is it worth considering an aspect like penis enlargement in adolescence and what are the risks?

How do adolescents develop?

Teenagers who want to enlarge their penis

The period of puberty begins at different times in each boy, a situation that depends on the individual characteristics of the adolescent. Puberty occurs at an average age of 10-15 years. However, in many situations, there may be delays in sexual development that are related to the characteristics of the boy.

In other cases, however, the delay may indicate a hormonal imbalance, resulting in a decrease in the amount of male hormone in the body. In this case, you should see a doctor immediately to have the test done.

Because the amount of the male hormone directly affects the growth and development of the genitals, the following changes occur during puberty:

  1. The teenager’s voice gets deeper and harder.
  2. The genitals grow and develop.
  3. According to the male type, a skeleton develops, the boy "turns" into a male.
  4. The hair appears on the face, in the groin area.

If at least one of these signs is missing, a deviation from the norm can be identified, which will require some treatment. If the penis does not grow, your doctor may recommend hormone therapy to normalize your male hormone levels.

Penis size by age of adolescents:

  • The size of the penis is 10-13 centimeters during an erection at 12-13 years of age and 6-7 centimeters at rest.
  • The size of the penis at the age of 15 is 13-15 cm in an erection, 7-9 cm in a relaxed position.
  • A member at the age of 16-17 is about 16-18 cm rigid and 8-7 cm at rest.

If puberty progresses normally, active penile growth occurs at the age of 16-17 years. By the age of 18, the size of the penis may change slightly and even decrease as the penis becomes thicker.

In medical practice, there have been cases where the genitals have grown for 20 to 22 years, but such situations are quite rare, with very little change in size.

Why do teens want to enlarge their penis?

The girl estimates the size of the guy's penis

It’s no secret that even in today’s high-tech world, even a teenager can view any information. Of course, pornographic films are of the greatest interest in adolescence.

The boy, having seen enough of the actors with stunning parameters, begins to have complexes and thinks he has a small reproductive organ and is looking for a solution to the problem.

It is worth saying that during the period of sexual development, the penis is actively growing, and if you do anything to increase it, it can even slow down the growth of the penis. The real question is, how can you explain to a teenager why it is impossible to enlarge your penis?

  1. First, the boy should be provided with medical size information to prove everything is normal and there are no abnormalities.
  2. Second, it must be explained that the size of the penis is an individual physiological characteristic, and each man’s penis has its own anatomical shape and its own parameters.
  3. Third, talk about the factors that actually affect the genitals.

A number of factors have long been identified that influence penile growth and development. The most common ones are:

  • The amount of male hormone in the body during puberty.
  • Hormone levels in the mother's body during pregnancy.
  • Chronic diseases, endocrine diseases.
  • Food quality, the environment.
  • Heredity.

Testosterone has been shown to directly affect penis size. If hormonal disorders have occurred in the body during puberty, resulting in a lack of the male hormone, the likelihood of a small penis size is quite high.

It can be said, and conversely, when the amount of sex hormone at puberty is normal or slightly above, it has a positive effect on the growth and development of the penis of the prospective man.

Many chronic diseases and endocrine disorders can cause a decrease in testosterone levels in certain body systems, so it is important to treat all pathologies in a timely manner.

Are there safe ways for teens to zoom in?

Exercise contributes to the enlargement of the penis in teenagers

It is an established fact that the quality of nutrition indirectly influences the development of the genitals. Food products are the "building blocks" of human growth and development, and if any element is missing, this condition negatively affects development.

An active lifestyle is also important because the negative association between weight and penis size has already been proven. In stronger non-obese members, the penis is always visually smaller than it actually is. Based on this information, there are two ways to enlarge a teen's penis:

  1. Optimal physical activity.
  2. Proper and balanced nutrition.

Sport will have a beneficial effect not only on the growth of the penis but also on the body as a whole. Doctors recommend swimming (develops all muscle groups), cycling, jogging and other sports you like. A teenager can enroll in various sections where he not only exercises but also gains self-confidence and forgets the thought of his small penis.

As far as food is concerned, it has long been known that fatty and unhealthy foods have a negative effect on the human body. To enlarge the penis, the following foods should be added to the diet:

  • Lean red meat.
  • Dairy products.
  • Red fish, seafood.
  • Eggs, caviar.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits.

It is important to reduce your consumption of table salt, sweets, carbonated drinks, fast foods - chips, biscuits and so on - by giving preference to foods high in protein and foods rich in fiber, useful trace elements and substances.

It is also worth noting that if a teenager smokes, it negatively affects the growth of his penis. Once in the body, nicotine and tar have a detrimental effect on the blood vessels, resulting in a loss of their natural elasticity and firmness, which in turn has a detrimental effect on the body’s blood circulation, including the pelvic circulation. organs.

Summarizing all the information, it is important to say that you need to know how big your penis should be at a given age in order to correct deviations from the norm in time. A teenager needs to remember that she is growing and developing and with it the penis will get bigger so there is no need to enlarge the penis.