Surgery to increase penis length

The value of the size of the penis is for every human being of great importance, because the stronger sex is very meticulous about his sex organ. According to statistics, about one third of the male population on the planet suffer from small penis size, although in General the length and thickness of the penis meet the generally accepted standards. But such men have a phobia, everyone wants to add a few inches to their true values. Those whom nature has wronged the dimensions of dignity, and who really needs more, it is possible to correct the situation with surgery.

The operation of the

surgery to increase the member

Surgery to increase penis length.

The operation has many advantages over these familiar ways of penis enlargement, such as medication or a variety of pumps and other devices:

  • One of the most important advantages is that the process is carried out by highly trained professionals, therefore the probability of complications and adverse reactions are minimal.
  • Undoubtedly the advantage is the fact that the results of the intervention are visible immediately and not after an indefinite period of time.
  • If we are talking about the price, equivalent to the cost of such an operation is somewhat different from the cost of specific cosmetic products, medicinal products or devices.
  • On average, after the surgery, the penis length can increase up to 3-5 cm

Usually surgery is done only under strict indications, although private clinics can carry out such plasticity of each patient who is able to pay for the procedure.


In addition to those who do not want to increase the length of your penis, surgery is performed on specific indications:

  • The standard size of the penis in erection is considered to be 12-16 inches, if penis is smaller, as shown operation.
  • Also the length of the penis smaller than normal in pathological conditions, such as hypospadias, peyronie's disease and cavernous fibrosis.
  • Shows the operation in the event of a reduction in the member due to traumatic factors.
  • Heredity or the aging process the male body can also be a sign of surgery.

In addition, the indications for surgical penis enlargement can be a syndromes and other diseases.


Such operations are not done just so, the patient may need to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon, specialization, which are interventions of this kind. To identify possible contra-indications for surgery and the use of anesthesia, a man simply has to go through a simple preoperative diagnostic tests, which will prescribe the doctor will show you to do or not to do surgery.

The patient is assigned a standard procedure, such as:

  • Biochemistry and common blood tests;
  • The study of the function of the blood;
  • Analysis and RH group;
  • Diagnosis for hepatitis C, HIV, syphilis;
  • Common laboratory tests of urine;
  • Electrocardiogram;
  • Consultation with the anesthesiologist.

On the day before surgery, the patient needs to shave the vegetation in the groin. 12 hours before the commencement of the proceedings, must be refused food, and on the day of the surgery, from all drinks, even water.

The operation of the

The surgery is performed with the use of anesthesia General type, and takes about 0.5-1 hour. During the operation the surgeon cuts into the ligament that is hung on the penis. In normal condition, this ligament has a within a man's body.

Surgery can be done in two ways:

  • Through the pubis;
  • Through the fashion.

The surgeon makes a cut in the right region (the scrotum or pubis), then carefully cuts the ligament (ligament), which is parallel with the body of the penis. Then the doctor pulls the member and captures it in a new anatomical position. This is standard procedure. However, it is possible to conduct the intervention and a more advanced way would be to move the fatty tissues of the patient.

This operation is almost equal to the standard intervention, the only difference is that when new posts vacated space under the ligament is filled by adipose tissue. Due to this eliminated the risk for the occurrence of adhesive processes and provides the painless treatment of postoperative seams.

how to increase the member

Adipose tissue is completely painless split in a new place and rehabilitation is much faster and without complications. The seam heals quickly, because the inguinal region is completely filled with blood, and after a few weeks it becomes almost invisible. The second day the patient spends in the hospital, all this time, it will monitor the experts.

For the first time, the device will only wear for a few hours a day, gradually increasing the length. Gradually wearing time increased to 8 hours. The duration of wearing it in General can take 3-6 months. Detailed rules for the application of this product the patient will tell the doctor, because they may differ slightly depending on the individual clinical picture. After the surgery the patient requires pelvic rest for at least three weeks.

The consequences

About male sexuality, the operation is not affected, except that on pelvic rest for three weeks, may cause inconvenience. In addition, we cannot rule out the usual risks typical of any surgical procedure. These include operational damage and infection. Immediately after the intervention in the affected areas will be swollen, which is in a few days on your own.

Likely consequences include a lack of effect. This is possible with a very short ligament that supports the penis, or in violation while wearing the extender. Also after the surgery lose a specific angle, i.e. in the excited state the penis is pointing down and not up and forward.

To reduce complications and to avoid unpleasant consequences, therefore it is recommended that you seriously consider choosing a specialist and the clinics. The higher the qualification, the greater the chances for success of the operation and no complications.


Doctors consider the surgery a very effective method to increase the length of the penis after surgery is fairly long lasting effect. The functioning of the penis lengthens, the effect is achieved due to the proper course of the rehabilitation period and compliance with all medical recommendations.

According to patient surveys, about 98% of cases achieved a steady result and the penis increases for 4-5 cm. the result is improved quality of sexual life, and psychological self-confidence of men, it is useful to the strength and power of your erections.

To do the surgery or not, decides first of all to the patient. Statistics shows that in most cases, surgery is well tolerated, without complications, and provides high effect.