author Damir Pejatović

The name of the:
Damir Pejatović


  • Many men are concerned about the issue of penis enlargement. Therefore, there are now various ways to lengthen, stretch and make the penis thicker. The most effective of these are described below.
    14 November 2022
  • The operation of the increase in the state take place with a view to the extension and thickening of the body of the penis. About how the operation is to be carried out to increase a member through surgery and other methods for the correction of the length, and the thickness of the body, is described in the following section.
    27 July 2019
  • Penis enlargement baking soda - the modern way to resolve men's problems. The use of baking soda for penis enlargement - traditional recipes/
    1 June 2019
  • Many of them are already checked, but there is always a desire to learn something new and effective. As the folk remedies that a lot of you are using plain baking soda. Today we will learn how to baking soda to increase the member and how effective will be this way.
    15 February 2019